As autumn deepens, migratory locusts reach the peak of their mating activities and can be observed jumping and flying all over. In the past, children with nets chasing these insects across the satoyama countryside was a common sight. Unfortunately, today’s children are often too busy cramming for exams to bother with chasing grasshoppers.
バッタの秘密―① 後ろ蹴り Grasshopper Secrets-1 Back Kick
Fat juicy grasshoppers are a popular item on the menu of all sorts of birds and other animals. Camouflage and quick flight offer them some protection, but they also have a secret last-ditch escape strategy that they can call on when they do get caught. Their long rear legs, equipped with nasty spines, are kicked backwards with incredible speed and power. The back kick of a big grasshopper like the migratory locust is devastating enough to cause a bird or small animal to drop it. The only way to truly experience this grasshopper secret weapon is to pick one up and try to hold it between your fingers!
バッタの秘密―② 急所を守る鎧Grasshopper Secrets-2 Samurai Armor
Grasshoppers have large eyes and short antennae, and depend heavily on visual data. They live in open fields and grasslands, and are active during the daylight hours, which makes them easy to spot. While they lack poison to deter predators, their hard armor does offer some protection. Of particular note is the pronotum, a piece of heavy armor that covers the vital neck area and base of the wings. Big grasshoppers remind you of ancient samurai warriors ready for battle.
バッタの秘密―③ 音を聞く仕組み Grasshopper Secrets-3 Hidden Ears
バッタの仲間は種類によって、後ろ脚の内側にあるヤスリ歯と前羽の外側の隆起をこすり合わせて音を出すことがある。トノサマバッタも、雄と雌の両方が音を出すと言われている。しかし、頭や首の周りを注意深く探しても、音を聞く鼓膜(こまく)は見当たらない。音を出すなら、それを聞く仕組みもあるはずだが、一体どこにあるだろう!羽をそっと持ち上げてみると、そこに小さな孔を確認できる。これこそ、バッタのミステリアスな鼓膜! 鼓膜には音によって振動する膜が備わっている。
Many species of grasshopper stridulate by rubbing pegs on the inner surface of their hind legs against washboard-like serrations on the outer surface of their forewings. These sounds play an important role in mating. However, if you closely examine the head and thorax, you will find no sign of an outer ear that would allow them to hear their songs. How can this be? To solve this riddle, all you have to do is lift the wings up a bit and look underneath (easier said than done with a kicking, struggling locust). Here you will find the tympanum, a small opening with a drum-like membrane that vibrates to pick up sounds.
バッタの秘密―④ トノサマバッタではないかもGrasshopper Secrets-4 Various Species
People often automatically assume that any large, round-headed grasshopper is a migratory locust, but there are actually two other locally common species of band-winged grasshopper that can easily be misidentified. The shape and markings on the pronotum are good field marks for confirming the species, but the surest way to identify them is to gently spread out the wings (even harder than lifting the wings to find the tympanum) and check the patterns on the hindwing.