2-Nature’s Soap, Shampoo and Detergent  日本の素晴らしい「木の文化」に触れる


Trees in the genus Styrax are commonly called snowbell in English, referring to the snow-white flowers that hang down from the branches like tiny church bells. Related species are found in Europe and North America.  Japan is home to three native species, with the Japanese snowbell or egonoki (Styrax japonicus) being the most common in lowland woodlands. Flowers bloom in early summer.

The snowbell flowers have long since finished blooming, but the fruits and seeds make an interesting theme for autumn nature study.   The round or oval fruits are only about 1cm in diameter. As autumn deepens the fruit rinds split open to reveal a single shiny brown seed, which is a favorite food of varied tit and other seed-loving birds. The fruit rinds themselves were traditionally an important resource for local farmers.




The fruit rinds of the Japanese snowbell contain saponin, are were traditionally mixed with water to produce a foamy substance used for soap, shampoo and detergent.  The fruit rinds were also used to temporarily paralyze fish in ponds and rivers. Traditional Japanese lifestyles in the satoyama countryside were self-sufficient.  Villagers could obtain almost everything they needed from their managed woodlands. Unfortunately, Japan’s traditional knowledge and wisdom about trees and their uses is fast disappearing.

今の時期、果実が豊富に付いたエゴノキは北総花の丘公園のZONE Cで出会える。場所は児童公園の南側。その上、すぐそばの街路樹にハクウンボクというエゴノキに近い仲間も楽しめる。ハクウンボクはブナ林など、山地の環境を好み、南関東の雑木林にはあまり見かけない。 A fine Japanese snowbell tree loaded with fruit can currently be enjoyed in the ZONE C area of Hokuso Hanano-oka Park. The tree is located at the southeast corner of a small playground. There is also a row of hakuunboku snowbells (S. obassia), which usually grow in more mountainous regions, planted along a nearby street.


ハクウンボクの葉はエゴノキのものより明らかに大きく、縁には浅い鋸歯が不規則的についている。果実もエゴノキのものより若干大きい。 The hakuunboku leaves are much larger than those of the enoki, with irregular shallow teeth along their edges. The fruits are also slightly larger, with shorter stalks.

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