2-トトロに相応しいクスノキを探して Finding a Camphor Tree Suitable for Totoro

クスノキのような常緑樹は一年中青々としているが、季節の変化は全くないわけではない。3月末、新しい葉が出てくると同時に古い葉の一部が枝から落ちる。新緑は赤色を帯びて、古い葉も紅葉してから落ちる。他の照葉樹もクスノキ同様に、春から初夏にかけて葉を入れ替える。この時期で行う落ち葉のかけ集める作業は、秋にも負けないほど大変!小さな白い花 は田植えの頃から咲き、秋には黒い果実が熟する。ベリーは表面のツヤツヤがとても綺麗、中には一個の堅い、真ん丸の種子が入っている。

葉ニュータウンのクスノキ。3月末に新緑を出すと木は全体的赤くなる。古い葉は紅葉してから落ちる。小さな白い花は5月、黒い果実は11月に成熟して、艶がきれい。Kusunoki street trees in Chiba New Town. The kusunoki is an evergreen species, but this doesn’t mean that the trees stay the same all year long. They put on a crop of new reddish leaves in late spring. At the same time some of the older leaves turn red and drop off. Tiny white flowers, less than a cm in diameter, bloom in May, and the shiny black berries ripen in November.



「稲荷前」のバススタンドで待つサツキとトトロ(STUDIO GHIBLI jigsaw puzzle)と、シシ神の森」に宿る可愛い木霊(スダジオギブリx NORITAKEコラボ となりのトトロスペシャルコレクションマグカップ)。ぼくは映画の評論家ではなく、ジブリの作品を評価したり解説したりすることは絶対にしない。しかし、自然を巧みに描いたジブリのエピソードは、大学の講義や観察会の話を盛り上げるためのとても良いきっかけになる。また、生態学や環境倫理学などの難しいコンセプトを一般の人たちに分かりやすく説明する教材としても最適。Satsuki and Totoro waiting at the Inari-mae bus stop.Cute kittke Mononoke kodama dryads on a coffee mug ( Ghibli x Noritake collaboration).  I would never dare try to ‘interpret’ Ghibi movies, but I do often use them as a convenient framework for talking about relationships among people and nature. Tying environmental education lessons into familiar Ghibli episodes can be especially effective when reaching out to young people who grew up watching anime and reading manga.



駅から神社までのルートはその人次第だが、ぼくの一押しルートは小倉台の住宅街を貫く広い遊歩道を通り、「浦端新田公園」を見てから裏道を利用することだ。小倉の7/11から神社を目指す道は狭く、遊歩道も整備されていない。おまけに、カーブを描きながら急な坂道を一気に登る。交通量も時間帯や曜日によってかなり多い。この坂道はウォーキングにしても、サイクリングにしても危ない。7/11の裏を通る道などを利用して、この危ない坂道を避けた方が良い。  The Ogura Torimi Shrine is situated about a 2.3 km walk or bike from Chiba New Town Chuo Station. I can recommend the wide walking path that runs north from the shopping mall through the residential area. This path also passes along the southern edge of Urahata Shinden Park. The pond here is man-made, but is closely surrounded by heavily forested slopes, creating a rich aquatic environment. The main road above the Ogura 7/11 is narrow, without a sidewalk. Even worse, the road rounds a sharp curve while climbing a steep hill, and at times traffic can be heavy. This section of road is dangerous to both cyclists and walkers, and backstreets (shown on map) should be taken to avoid it.
神社の隣の草地から見た小倉鳥見神社の鎮守の森。クスノキは丸い林冠を作っている(写真の左側)。背の高いスギも何本か立っている(写真の右側)。また、シラカシ、スダジイとケヤキの大木も生えている。The sacred grove of the Ogura Torimi Shrine viewed from a neighboring field. The rounded canopy tree on the left of the photo is the massive kusunoki. Several tall cryptomeria conifers can be seen on the right. The grove also contains old growth chinkapins (evergreen broad-leaved Oak Family trees classified in the genus Castanopsis), ring-cupped oaks and zelkovas.


小倉鳥見神社のクスノキ。樹皮は縦に細かく裂けており、色はグレーからブラウン。幹の周囲は役400cm、上部に枝を広げて大きな花冠を作っている。しかしトトロの棲みかにしてまだ若すぎるThe huge kusunoki in the sacred grove of the Ogura Torimi Shrine. The trunk is deeply furrowed and ranges in color from grey to light brown. I measured the girth at about 400cm. The upper branches spread out to form a wide, high canopy. But even this massive sacred tree is not old enough to house a tree spirit like Totoro.

Many of the kusunoki planted as street and park trees around Chiba New Town have grown to substantial size.  But I wanted to meet a tree that could comfortably serve as a home for Totoro and other kodama spirits.  The best spots to look for these huge old trees are in the sacred groves that often surround Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples.

In Japan, each village traditionally maintained a small tutelary Shinto shrine, called a chinjusha or ujigamisha, housing a kami deity that protected and nourished that particular area.  The administrative villages themselves have since been incorporated into larger municipalities, but most farming communities still faithfully maintain their traditional shrines.  In the Hokuso region almost all the chinjusha shrines are surrounded by a sacred grove, in which cutting down trees is forbidden. These small local shrines are thus ideal spots to look for the kind of huge old trees that Totoro might be interested in.

Since ancient times the Japanese people have believed that huge old trees are inhabited and enlivened by kodama spirits. These spirits can even leave the tree and assume various forms.  Lafcadio Hearn, the indefatigable late 19th and early 20th century folklorist, collected the story of Aoyagi, a willow tree kodama who transformed into a beautiful girl and married a samurai.

In addition to Totoro, cute little bubbleneck kodama enliven the Shishigami Forest in ‘Princess Mononoke’, as well.  In the last scene of the movie, the Shishigami Forest, which is portrayed as an old growth shoyojurin forest, is wiped out, but one little kodama survives the disaster. I like to think that this scene portrays how some nature spirits from Japan’s destroyed old growth forests survive and eventually take up residence at sacred groves and other sacred spots in the mountains and countryside. This idea of course, is just my private musing.  There is no evidence whatsoever that director Miyazaki Hayao intended such a meaning.

As a genuine 1960s original hippie and old-school Celtic Christian mystic, I am overjoyed to find that the Japanese have somehow managed to modernize while maintaining at least some elements of their traditional outlooks on the natural world.  Sadly, much of the traditional European nature-related belief systems were fragmented by often violent pressure from religious zealots and the church organization.

Using Chiba New Town as a base, I began visiting the local village chinjusha and checking out the big trees and forest communities preserved in their sacred groves.  It didn’t take me long at all to locate a huge kusunoki, at a Torimi Jinja shrine just 2.3 km north of Chiba New Town Station. The shrine buildings themselves are small, and simple wooden structures, but the sacred grove surrounding them is truly magnificent.

In addition to the massive kusunoki, the sacred grove boasts dozens of tall trees, including cryptomeria, ring-cupped oaks, chinkapins and zelkovas.  In addition, at least some sections of the grove appear to support a unique type of shoyojurin forest community, which botanists believe is close in structure and composition to the region’s original old-growth forest.

One simple estimate of a tree’s size and age is the girth of the trunk measured at chest height (about 150cm) above the ground.  The kusunoki here measured out at around 400 cm, compared to about 140cm for the trees at the shopping mall.  Having to compete with adjacent trees for access to light, the shrine kusu has grown tall and now spreads its branches out to monopolize a substantial portion of the sacred grove canopy.

This shrine kusu is undoubtedly an impressive tree. I wouldn’t claim to definitely detect a spiritual presence, but just standing alongside the thick trunk engenders a feeling of respect and humility.  Totoro would certainly appreciate the tree; but would most likely want something a bit older and more spacious for himself.   “I’ll come back and check you out again in about 500 years or so,” he would say, careful not to discourage the tree or hurt its feelings.
















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