サツキたちの引っ越し先の家の隣には稲荷神社が鎮座している。この神社は青々と茂った鎮守の森に囲まれ、その森の中心にに高く聳え立つ超巨木が生えている。サツキはこの木の立派さに驚いて、お父さんに尋ねると、「ああ クスの木だよ」と教えてもらう。また、三人が神社にお参りして、お父さんは「この木を見て、あの家がとっても気に入ったんだ」とつぶやく。その後、サツキとメイはこのクスノキは木に宿るトトロという精霊と仲良くなり、物語が展開していく。
Strange how small local field observations can lead one off in totally unexpected directions. Just the other day, for instance, I was sitting at a table in a shopping mall plaza with some time on my hands. The plaza and buildings were lined with tall shade trees, and being a devoted afficionado of big trees, I soon found myself wandering away to check out the trunks and leaves.
Being an almost compulsive map lover as well, I soon had the location of the trees, 13 in all, plotted on a simple ground plan. The leaves could also be readily collected and compared, then sketched out naturalist style. The 13 trees wound up falling into three species.
The most numerous tree was the shirakashi, a species of live oak that is very common in the native woodlands of the southern Kanto; and is also popular as a park and street tree. The leaf is easily identified by its lanceolate shape, pointed tip, and shallow teeth along the edges. A second species, the tabunoki, came as a bit of a surprise. Called red machilus or Japanese bay laurel in English, this laurel family tree is a major component in Japan’s warm temperate zone forests, especially along coastal areas, but is not a very popular street tree. The tabunoki leaves have a narrow, wedge-shaped base, and entire margins (no teeth).
The third species showed broad leaves without teeth along the edges, and a unique vein pattern. Two prominent side veins branch from the base of the main, central vein, then curved upwards nearly to the tip. This is the kusunoki or camphor tree. The meaning of the English name can be quickly verified by plucking off a piece of leaf and smelling it. The leaves and wood of this tree are an important source of natural camphor, widely used as a herbal medicine and insect repellant.
The kusunoki is a tree shrouded in mystery and endowed with profound mystical elements. It is perhaps the best known and widely planted of Japan’s evergreen broad-leaved trees, yet botanists can’t seem to agree if it is an original native species; or was brought here from the continent. According to the classical myths, the kami deity Susanoo created the first kusunoki trees by plucking out his eyebrows and scattering them over the land. Early historical accounts indicate that the wood from this tree was used to construct the ships that connected Japan with the continent and Korean Peninsula.
In the southern Kanto region, kusunoki trees flower and set fruit, but are almost never found growing wild in the native woodlands. When planted, however, these trees grow fast and tall, and often live for many centuries. Resistant to air pollution, they are ideal choices for street and park trees. In addition, they are frequently planted as sacred trees around Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. Given space to spread their branches, these protected trees reach incredible girths. Many are thought to have lived a thousand years or more.
The kusunoki’s fame was given a huge boost in 1988, with the debut of Studio Ghibli’s heartwarming anime “My Neighbor Totoro”. Set in the 1950s, this movie lyrically portrays the satoyama countryside during the period just before Japan’s spurt of rapid economic growth. The story revolves around a father and his two girls, Satsuki and her younger sister Mei, as they relocate from the city out to an old farmhouse in the Sayama Hills along the border of Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture.
The venerable old farmhouse is situated in a farming village, right alongside an Inari Shinto shrine. The shrine, although just a simple wooden structure, is enveloped by a dense sacred grove of ancient, towering trees – a common sight around most local Shinto shrines even today. At the center of the grove stands a colossal kusunoki tree. The biggest tree in the Inari Shrine grove is an immense kusunoki, which happens to be home to a big but friendly kodama or tree spirit named Totoro. Totoro befriends the sisters and offers his iconic neko-basu Cat Bus to help find Mei when she gets lost. Both Totoro and the Cat Bus have become powerful cultural icons recognized the world over.
Studio Ghibli’s movies often feature a strong environmental theme.The studio does a lot of on-site fieldwork, and the plants and landscapes are usually depicted accurately enough to be clearly identified; while the stories and characters provide meaningful insights into how Japanese view and engage with the natural world, The simple shade trees at a nearby shopping mall unexpectedly transformed into gateway into the intricate relationships between humans and nature portrayed in the Ghibli films.